@article{oai:ompu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000293, author = {中村, 敏明 and 長宅, 真幸 and 角山, 香織 and NAKAMURA, Toshiaki and NAGAKE, Masayuki and KADOYAMA, Kaori}, journal = {大阪医科薬科大学 薬学部雑誌, Bulletin of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Clinical training based on the Model Core Curriculum for Pharmacy Education (2013 version) was started in 2019. To evaluate the affection by revising of the core curriculum on the studentʼs motivation during the training, we compared the contents of the questionnaire survey after the training. Any clear effect of the core curriculum revision was not observed on the motivation during the training who practiced before and after the revision of the core curriculum (2018 and 2019). In both clinical trainings, cooperation with other departments has increased, and participation / experience-based training has led to increased motivation, and the future is promising.}, pages = {101--107}, title = {学生の実務実習中のモチベーションに与える 薬学教育モデル・コアカリキュラム改訂の影響}, volume = {1}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ナカムラ, トシアキ and ナガケ, マサユキ and カドヤマ, カオリ} }